Author Archives: Kodiak

Merry Seasonal Holiday Observed By Your Cultual or Religious Group, Everyone!

Has anyone else notice how assinine political correctness has become this Christmas..err…holiday season? This year we can’t have Chrsitmas trees—they have to be holiday trees—even though the practice of having an evergreen in our homes during the Christmas season is said to have been introduced by St. Boniface, a Catholic monk, in 7th-century Germany. Legend […]

New R.A.T.S. Site

The Rochester-Area 20-Somethings have a new website today (or at least a new homepage).

If I Were a Lego

A while ago I posted a link to a Comedy Central South Park character creator that I used to design what I would look like if I were on South Park. Today I discovered another great time waster that lets you build yourself as a plastic model, simila to the Lego people that we all […]

Presentation Proposal Accepted

I learned yesterday taht my proposal for this year’s HighEdWebDev conference was accepted. I’ll be presenting Bringing True Interactivity to Web Applications with XML Requests on Monday, Nvember 6 at 2:45.

TinyMCE is a great little editor

I just discovered a cool new WYSIWYG editor for web browsers called TinyMCE. It is entirely driven with JavaScript—no special plugins or applets required—and it replaces <textarea> tags on teh page at runtime, so it integrates seemlessly into existing apps while non-compliant browsers continue to show the textarea. With about 5 minutes of work I […]
