Author Archives: Kodiak

Why I Shop at Wegmans

In Rochester we basically have two options when it comes to grocery shopping: the Buffalo-based Tops and the locally based, family-owned Wegmans. While Wegmans is a market leader in innovative convenience and prepared food items, for regular grocery items, the stores are pretty much the same. Tops often has some good “stock-up” deals like 10 […]

Mac OS X: Automating Tasks on Sleep

I’ve been playing a lot lately with AppleScript and the Mac Automater app, both of which can do some pretty cool stuff. This gave me an idea: wouldn’t it be great if I could close certain applications when my commuters go to sleep? I have a handful of programs that I run on both my […]

Raspberry Pi

“I should get a Raspberry Pi,” I said one night as we were watching TV. “Well, if that’s what you really want, put it on the list and I’ll get one when I go to Wegmans,” Denise replied, thinking my comment to be a bit random. I wasn’t talking about about desert, of course, but […]

Guetenprint to the Rescue

I have a very old HP LaserJet 4L printer. I found it on Ebay some 10 or so years ago being sold by a local computer recycler. I won the auction for about $30 and drove to the seller’s facility to avoid paying shipping changes that were nearly twice what I paid for the printer. […]

Hi, I’m a Mac! (or It’s a Unix System! I know this!)

I finally gave in and bought myself a Mac.  My five-year-old Toshiba laptop served me well, but with several pieces of the plastic case broken off and what appear to be memory issues slowing things down, I decided it was time for an upgrade.  At more than three times the price of a similarly specced Windows-based machine, getting […]
