Category Archives: Cool
New Toy: Motorola Razr V3c
I’ve been using my newest toy, a Motorola Razr V3c cell phone (in hot pink—yeah, right), for about a month. So far I love the phone. Its ultra-thin design makes it easy to slip in my pocket, so easy that I often forget that its there! It has a large, easy to read screen, and […]
Performacing Blog Editor for Firefox
I’ve just installed an extension to Firefox that I’ve wanted for a log time: the Performancing Blog Editor. Now, there have been several blog editor extension published for Firefox already, but most of them have been developed for specific blogging platforms, and until now I haven’t found one that works with my WordPress blogs. A […]
Blogging from Flock
I discovered a cool new browser while browsing through the March issue of Computer Link magazine: Flock. Flock is built on the Firefox core and is designed to allow easy posting to blogs. It isn’t even in beta yet, but I decided to download it to see what its all about. So far, so good. […]
I’m the Master of PHP
Last week I noticed that RIT’s E-Learning Zone offered a Brainbench certification exam for PHP 4. I had a little time to look at it today, so I started the test not knowing what to expect. As it turns out, I know PHP pretty well—I scored 4.40/5 and became a Brainbench-certified Master of PHP 4.
I Have No Friends
So I signed up for Facebook the other day. I haven’t done much with it beyond search for a few people, so I can’t really comment on it yet. So far it looks pretty cool, though. I noticed, on my profile screen after signing in for the first time, that Facebook declares I have no […]