Category Archives: General
Ten Years Ago
Ten years ago today was a beautiful fall day as I recall. I was 11 days into my new career, and I got up and left for work, just like any other day. I had been at work for maybe half an hour when my phone rang. It was my co-worker Carol asking if I […]
Rochester Reference in Glory Days
Glory Days has always been one of my favorite Springsteen songs. With it stuck in my head, I got thinking about the video and decided to look it up on YouTube. I vaguely remember the video from watching it on MTV and Nick Rocks when I was a kind—I distinctly remembered the baseball field at […]
Awesome Android App of the Day: Swype
As a little kid I used to love to finger paint. Finger painting is a great, natural way to express yourself and I loved how the paint felt in my fingers. One of the things that I like about the Android OS is how customizable it is. Even some of the most basic features, like […]
And The Light Bulb Goes On: Pepsi Cola
A jingle that my grandfather used to always sing popped into my head the other day: Pepsi-Cola hits the spot. Twelve full ounces, that’s a lot. Twice as much for a nickle, too. Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. I recently heard a story—I think it was during some show I was watching on the […]
Awesome Android App of the Day: App 2 SD
Welcome to my new feature, Awesome Android App of the Day, where I will highlight some of the cool, fun, and useful Android apps that I find. Contrary to the name, it will not likely be a daily feature…I’m lucky to write more than one post every three months. Most Android devices have two locations […]