My Little Corner of the Net

Category Archives: General

Ironic Photo

The Springfield Republican now uses the slogan “where the news hits home” on the side of their trucks. That’s kind of ironic when the truck dives into someone’s house. Irony number two: out of all the local news papers where this could have happened, it happened to the one I used to deliver. That could […]

Subaru, the Original Smart Car?

In 1968, Subaru entered the American market with the 360 mini-sedan. The tiny car, which Subaru marketed as being “cheap and ugly,” cost just $1297 (which would be about $8036 in 2010 dollars). Subaru marketing (see below) boasted that the 360 could go—even places that larger cars wouldn’t fit. With a length roughly equivalent to […]

HTTP Post vs. HTTP Get

I am currently involved, for the second time in the past few months, in interviewing for a new web programmer/analyst to join my team at work. Given that we are a web applications shop, several of our technical questions revolve around web protocols. I’ve now spoken with, between the two positions, around a dozen applicants. […]

University Websites

Situational humor is funny because it is true. While it points out our flaws, the humor comes from the fact that there is often little, if anything we can do to change the situation. All we can do is laugh and move on.

Blogging from my phone

I’m testing out the WordPress app for Android devices, which I just installed on my phone. Maybe this will get me to blog more often…I doubt it…
