My Little Corner of the Net

Category Archives: Websites

Let’s Encrypt Enters Public Beta

There’s a new certificate authority in town, and it seeks to change the way we think about web security.  Let’s Encrypt, run by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), a partnership of a number of Internet-focused organizations like the EFF, Mozilla, Cisco, Akamai, and now Facebook, entered it’s public beta period this week and is […]

Going Black

Nearly 16 years ago the web went black in protest of the anti-indecency provisions of the Communications Decency Act. Intended to protect minors from indecent material, much like the way existing FCC regulations limited when and to what extent certain topics that were inappropriate to minors could be broadcast over the air, the provisions of […]

My First Practical Prism App

I downloaded Mozilla’s Lab’s new software Prism a while back. The concept behind Prism is pretty cool–basically it provides a desktop interface to a website. With most-basic use this means that your favorite web site gets an icon in your start menu and runs wrapped in a custom window without the standard browser features like […]

Facebook is Becoming MySpace

I got frustrated last night when part of a project I was building failed to work as I had expected.  Lacking the motivation to find a solution I began surfing around on Facebook. I’ve always liked Facebook because of its clean, clear interface.  It is easy to figure out, easy to navigate, and not overly […]

A Windows Safari

Several years ago, when Apple first released OS X and with it the Safari browser, I was rather excited. The browser was fast and standards compliant. It worked great, had a nice clean UI, and didn’t come with a lot of bloat. There was just one little thing that prevented me from adopting it: I’m […]
