Category Archives: Websites
Web 2.2 (Nooooo….make it stop!!!)
If you’re like me and hate the whole concept of Web 2.0 then don’t click this link. You don’t want to hear about Web 2.2. For the record: I have nothing against the technologies that are wrapped under the name “Web 2.0,” nor do I dislike the “community orienteation” concept that it embodies, either. I […]
Performacing Blog Editor for Firefox
I’ve just installed an extension to Firefox that I’ve wanted for a log time: the Performancing Blog Editor. Now, there have been several blog editor extension published for Firefox already, but most of them have been developed for specific blogging platforms, and until now I haven’t found one that works with my WordPress blogs. A […]
HighEdWebDev 2006: Introduction to PEAR
I am happy to announce that my workshop proposal for this year’s HighEdWebDev conference has been accepted. This year I will be presenting on PEAR, the PHP Extension and Application Repository. PEAR is a collection of PHP classes that form a framework to help developers create applications more efficiently. I’ve been using PEAR for a […]
Blogging from Flock
I discovered a cool new browser while browsing through the March issue of Computer Link magazine: Flock. Flock is built on the Firefox core and is designed to allow easy posting to blogs. It isn’t even in beta yet, but I decided to download it to see what its all about. So far, so good. […]
I’m the Master of PHP
Last week I noticed that RIT’s E-Learning Zone offered a Brainbench certification exam for PHP 4. I had a little time to look at it today, so I started the test not knowing what to expect. As it turns out, I know PHP pretty well—I scored 4.40/5 and became a Brainbench-certified Master of PHP 4.