Category Archives: Websites
Adding POP Accounts for Multi-Hosted Domains
As many people know, I host my websites with a company called JaguarPC. JPC offers a “clients helping clients” forum, and given my background in both web development and system administration, I find myself answering a lot of peoples’ questions. One nice feature of JPC is that they allow multihosting—or hosting of multiple websites on […]
If I were a South Park Kid
In a Flash class I was taking today one of the other students showed me this site which let’s you design your own South Park character. It reminds me of my old Colorforms from when I was a kid. Another great time waster.
Postcards from Mars
The first color images of Mars are back from the Mars rover Spirit. Wicked cool! Brings me back to the days when I dreamed of becoming an astronaut.
Type in Your Own Handwriting
While reading Zeldman this morning, I came across this interesting site. Have you ever gotten one of those annoying marketing pieces in the mail where the president of some company has sent you a “personal” letter telling you why you need his product? It looks as if the writer has handwritten the letter to you personally (but obviously hasn’t). Well, now boys and girls, you can do the exact same thing to all of your friends!